Blargensnorf's Bedroom

Hi! I'm Cally, I'm a 24 year old trans woman who does a lot of little things and needs a place to manage them all, and here it is!

Art by FredShr00ms

Links n' stuff

I post about things I do, both online and offline. And also stray thoughts sometimes :)

A blog I run featuring an ingame snapshot of every piece of dialogue in Undertale, and other sources of Undertale media.
Now just where I talk about UT/DR.

Very very occasionally I post Youtube videos, usually with the intention of being either humorous or utilitarian.

I make art sometimes! Here's the stuff I make!

I don't stream too often, but when I do I like to make an event out of it!

Pickle reviews.
Transgender pickle reviews.
Read my pickle thoughts.
